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Vendors & Affiliates Sign Up

We’ve been in the affiliate marketing business since 2003. We started as affiliates and know exactly what affiliates need and what they mean for the business.
We think that affiliates are the blood in internet marketing and want them to feel at home and never disappointed.
That's why we put all our efforts in offering our support and experience by helping them with their advertising campaigns and implement the latest technology to make sure each sale made by our affiliates is tracked, recorded and paid on time.




We keep in touch with vendors help them make the best out of their business. Your private AffiBank Account Manager will help you reach the roof in sales, from tips on website design to SEO help.

Direct relationship with your Affiliate Manager who will make sure you get what you need helping with your online advertising campaigns, bringing great ideas so you make more money.

AffiBank has network of over 6,000 affiliates that will push your product.
Vendors offer fixed rates or percentage commissions, up to 80%!
Vendors stay in control of cash flow, receiving each sale's funds instantly and protect their business against refunds, while AffiBank keeps track of affiliate's sales and pays affiliates monthly.

Affiliates earn great commissions by selling great products and get paid monthly like clockwork directly on their PayPal account.
Unlike other platforms, AffiBank applies ZERO FEES on Affiliate transactions.
Why should affiliates pay to promote? We have never understood this...


AffiBank is the most cost effective Affiliate Network today.
Vendors pay fees ONLY on the affiliate commissions they owe to their affiliates,
not on each transaction made (affiliated or not) like all other networks out there.

Total Vendor's Affiliate Comissions Affibank fees

$0 to $1,000.99

3.5% + $10 Payment Processing

$1,001.00 to $3,999.99

4% + $10 Payment Processing

$4,000.00 to $9,999.99

4.5% + $10 Payment Processing

$10,000.00 to X

3.5% + $10 Payment Processing

$0 to $1,000.99

5% + $10 Payment Processing


This means that if a vendor owes a total of $632.00 to affiliates in a pay period,
the vendor would have to pay a surprisingly low fee compared to any other network.

(3.5% of 632) + 10 = Only $32.12!


Powerful double tracking system that uses the latest technology to track affiliate sales. Add a simple line of code to your website and it will be integrated with AffiBank. Fast & easy!

AffiBank's powerful double tracking
Get credited even if your customer comes back 6 months later! makes sure you get your commissions perfectly recorded and nothing gets lost in the way.

Detailed Stats show vendors how many sales the vendor's affiliates have made for the day, the month or historically.
Log into your AffiBank Vendor Panel and see at first glance how much you own affiliates, who is doing best, what product is the top seller and much more!

Detailed stats that refresh every 5 minutes show your affiliated sales daily, monthly, payment history... anything you need.
Advanced tracking tools make it possible for you to fine-tune your advertising campaigns to the limit.

Vendors can add a great range of promotional materials: regular affiliate links, banners, promo emails, peel ads, flash banners and much more!
Create pop-ups, pop-unders, iframes...
What you create, your affiliates see instantly!

If you are a vendor, all you have left to do is to create an account and feel the difference!

Affiliates see all vendors promotional materials on their affiliate panel as soon as vendors add them on their panel side.
Generate affiliate links, banners, promo emails, peel ads, flash banners and much more!

Create your AffiBank Affiliate account for free by clicking on the button below!